
Methodology and Attribution

In June, 2016 the Coffee County Memory Project in association with the Coffee County Historical Society began interviewing willing participants about their experiences of Coffee County school integration in the late 1960s and early 1970s. For the next four years former students, teachers, school administrators, concerned parents and community activists shared their stories. These participants were given the choice of being anonymous or named. Most interviewees answered questions that were designed for this project. Others preferred to make private statements only. In a few instances participants were interviewed with friends or spouses. Interviews ranged in length from ten minutes to two hours with the average interview lasting 45 minutes. Because participants were given a choice of being named or anonymous you will notice that audio attribution varies. You will see names, pseudonyms indicated by quotation marks and, in some cases, descriptive terms such as “Young Lawyer” or “Teen Leader”. We are very grateful to all who participated and are respectful of their wishes as to how they want their stories shared. Thanks to their participation, we have many more stories and perspectives to share with you and will be continuing this work.